Types of Spiders in Los Angeles
The most common spider we have to be worried about here in beautiful Southern California is the infamous black widow. Known for their poisonous venom and red hourglass-like shape on their underside, black widows are found most prominently in neglected areas like under old stairs or the dark corners of a garage.
Wolf spiders, daddy long legs and other common household spiders are mostly just gross, but that doesn't discredit how annoying they can be. Any spider treatments we offer will have a significant effect on whatever spider population is terrorizing your family with their spidery grossness
Spider Control Options
Standard Spray Treatment for Spiders
Included in any spider service is a perimeter spray with liquid pest management products. Based on the severity of the infestation, we will either treat only the outside or both the inside and outside. Outside, we treat along the perimeter of the building, along the edges of planters and around the garage area. For the inside, we treat along the baseboards of rooms with the most prominent issues. When spiders walk through our products, their day is just about ruined.
Web Removal
Our technician performing a web removal
Though the spray treatment is effective against spiders, the most effective way to remove an infestation is to remove their food source. In this case with spiders, their food source is the prey they catch in their webs. Included in any treatment is a full knockdown of any webs inside and around the property. By removing a spider's web, we effectively destroy its shelter, ability to catch food and any unhatched eggs. Within days of having all webs removed and a spray treatment, you should see a drastic decline in spiders on your property.
Spider Control Pricing
Pricing for spider treatments can vary based on structure size and whether the treatment is inside/outside or outside only. Prices range anywhere from $125 - $175, we can provide an exact quote over the phone at: 818-898-4898
During the hotter months of the year, we get a lot of calls from people wanting us to get rid of their “brown recluse” spiders. Truth is, here in Southern California we don’t get brown recluse spiders. If we did see an influx in brown recluse spiders here it would probably be plastered all over the news, since we know them as the spider that can cause necrosis or even death. Fact of the matter is, we don’t really get brown recluses here and most of the time what we are actually seeing are brown widows.