A lot of people look for alternative ways to do their own pest control. One of these methods is by using ultrasonic sound repellers. They are advertised to work for both insects and rodents and are easily found online at affordable prices. Supposedly, they used high pitched frequencies that annoy pests and keep them away from your homes and lives. Though they sound like a nice, cheap alternative to pesticides, they aren’t all they’re cracked up to be

So, do they work? Nope. They used to be advertised to work as well as regular pesticides, but the FTC actually stepped in and made the companies that manufacture sound repellers change their advertising. The advertising has since become much more tame and realistic according to how well they actually work. They are now advertised as a good “addition” to regular pest control.

Fact of the matter is that sound doesn’t do very much to keep pests away. Rodents will learn to adapt to the sound, negating it from their hearing and learning to tune it out. They are also very short range, about the size of a room, so most pests won't even be affected by the sound unless you litter your home with the unsightly devices.

The results speak for themselves. Looking online, reading reviews and articles about these "bug repellers" quickly brings out the truth. They don’t work very well. You’ll see they are very negatively reviewed on popular sites like Amazon and countless articles can be found online knocking them for how ineffective they are.

On top of that, the research is also very inconclusive, proving that they show no consistent results. 

However, sound repellers aren’t completely useless to alternative pest control. They do work, in a sense. When used in conjunction with other pest control methods. They are at their best as an accessory to pest control. But when stacking up the pros and cons, they still don’t come off as a practical pest control method. Keep trapping, keep treating and you will see results.