What do bed bug bites look like? 

  • They have the appearance of a skin rash at first glance.
  • They appear as small, flat bumps that are slightly raised and red.
  • The area where the bite is located will only have one mark as opposed to the 2 marks that spider leaves.
  • Bites will be found all over the body. 

What do spider bites look like? 

  • Spider bites are surprisingly uncommon.
  • Usually only one or two bites present. 
  • They are an itchy bump with two small marks from the dual mandibles. 
  • You will not usually get bitten in your sleep. Spider bites occur outside or when working in sheds or attic areas. 

What do flea bites look like? 

  • Fleas will mostly bite your feet, ankles and lower calf.
  • Red spots surrounded by reddened haloes.
  • They are very itchy.
