The better we know the insects around us, the better we can protect our homes from an infestation. Meaning, if you know how cockroaches act, and what they are attracted to, you can take preventative measures that will keep the cockroaches out of your home.

The most common cockroach within the U.S. is the German cockroach. The German cockroach is a small species of cockroach measuring in at: 1.1- 1.6 cm long. About as long as the width of a dime! At least 3,500 species of cockroach are known to exist worldwide, but the U.S. is home to about 55 species. There are about 30 different types of cockroaches that are found within our homes, schools and restaurants. Cockroaches are an ancient species dating back somewhere around 320 million years ago. They are a tough species, and can be found in the harshest of conditions. The majority of cockroaches prefer a warm, humid, dark environment, but they have been found in both arctic, and tropical areas. Cockroaches are nocturnal, so if you see them during the day, that means they have been disturbed, or it is such a serious infestation that they don’t have any more places to hide. It could also mean that you have had a recent pest control service. Insects behave erratically when they are treated with pesticides. They will eat anything humans eat and more even animal feces, clothes, or paper. They tend to forage for food alone, but when they find something yummy, they release a pheromone that lets their relatives know where the good food is at. That’s why a lot of the times you find them eating together in large numbers. That being said, you don’t want a roach to find any good food in your home, otherwise he will invite his family over causing a pretty frustrating infestation.

Where are roaches most common? The top three areas that have been heavily infested by roaches are: Texas, Arizona, and Florida. Texas is  the cockroach capital of the U.S., containing 32 different species within it’s borders. So if you are looking to move anytime soon, and are afraid of cockroaches, you may want to avoid these three states.
If you spot a cockroach within your home, don’t decapitate it. Cockroaches bodies are able to live for weeks after it has been decapitated, and the head can live for several hours after separation. Did we mention that they are a resilient bug? They are also fast. Cockroaches have sensory organs on their legs that help them detect even the slightest sense of danger. If they are sensing any signs of attack they are able to make an escape in less than half a second! 

So, what’s the best way to deal with a cockroach infestation? Here's some good DIY tips

  • Remove all unnecessary food and water in and around your home
  • Fix leaky faucets
  • Replace torn window screens
  • Seal all cracks and crevices
  • Remove all cardboard or paper piles that may be lying around
  • The best way to manage a cockroach infestation is to change the conditions that promoted the infestation in the first place.

If these DIY methods don’t work, you can contact us for a free inspection. Cockroaches are hard to get rid of once you have a serious infestation. If you think you have a serious infestation, don’t hesitate on finding help from an expert.

We offer free inspections, and would be happy to help you solve your pest issues. You can click here to schedule a free inspection.

Or you can call us at: (818)-898-4898

